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GDFC News 6 December


  • League Info

  • Fixtures

  • Training - help needed!

  • For the Love of the Game

  • Player Shout Outs




Not a lot on this week! Tuesday 7s is TBC if we can have a fixture this week.


Training will be off over Christmas for 2 weeks between the 19th Dec and 4th Jan. To celebrate our last session of 2021 we will be having our an all-ability winter tournament on December 15th. It would be great to get as many of you down as possible so save the date!


K8 Allinson is heading to training on Wednesday from 2 Moye Close E2 8QN (aka the GDFC storage cupboard) – she needs help carrying the 4 big ball bags & the 2 big bags on cones. Could you help!? 3 helpers are needed at 645pm on Wednesday – please message Kate Allinson on Team App. Many thanks!!

AND any pumping would also be much appreciated. If you have a pump please BYOP to training – many hands make light work. We don’t want to feel deflated


We have some amazing pictures taken by Jess and Brandon, links are below. Please take any pics of yourselves or your pals and share far and wide on socials with the link to purchase and the hashtag #fortheloveofthegame

We really want to get as much engagement as possible on this so please, please, share far and wide on that day, even just one post and share each will really help a lot! Thank you!! (Remember to credit the photographers, tags below!)


A huge shout out to our AMAZING kit sec Laura – who has been working NON stop over the last few weeks – sending our kit shirts all over the UK & creating heaps of incredible content to raise awareness about the 1921 ban whilst also raising money for GDFC.

Please PLEASE remember that we are a club run by the members, for the members. 100% profits from the kit & 50% of profits from the merch go straight back into the running of our club. These funds are much needed. So every link share, every social media post, every purchase helps. Go on, chuck a link in your bio, on your story … in your family/ work whatsapp group… one team, one dream!

Link to store:

And as if that's not enough, Laura was also player of the week at training along with Holly!

Shout out to Katherine & Ellen for organising Friday's Winter Social!

& to close out the weekend, shout out to all the goals who came to Wembley - we had a ball.


If you have anything you would like to feature in next week's newsletter, email by 12:00 Sunday.

If you are interested in joining a mailing list to speak on behalf of GDFC to the press and other media outlets please fill out this form.

Have a photo you want shared on GDFC socials? Submit it here.

If any links aren't working in this newsletter, please open in your browser. Sometimes links do not work when reading on the TeamApp.

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