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GDFC News 09 August


All current & past diggers get priority membership renewal until midnight on Wednesday. After this we will open spots up to the waitlist. To ensure you keep your spot for the Aug-Dec 2020 block, please purchase membership from the ‘Store’. Note that you can opt to pay later as explained in the ‘Back to Football’ document published last week.

Send any questions / feedback over to


We know you’ve already had a lot of new information to look at this week! We’ve just uploaded our Covid-19 code of conduct which applies to all our upcoming sessions.

Please take the time to read this last document from us (6 mins) before football restarts on Monday. You will be asked to confirm you agree to our ‘code of conduct when signing up to any of the upcoming sessions.

Any feedback/suggestions please send them through to our Covid-19 committee reps:

  • Via email at,

  • Via text at 07428022237

  • Via our anonymous GDFC suggestions & feedback form here. Responses can be viewed in the weekly newsletter.


Hello Diggers!

Team Mat (Ciara, Leah, Martha) are back! With a couple of updates moving forward. As always if you have any questions please drop an email to

  1. We Mats are all volunteers and sometimes training / match events may not go up at the right time. We are always aware of this and don’t need to be messaged about a missed post. As a rule: if the events have not gone up 5 minutes after it should have, it will go up the following hour. Eg: If 7:30 match post has not gone up by 7.35, it will then be delayed and posted at 8:30, This we hope will ensure fair access to football for everyone. To reiterate please don’t message us to let us know the post isn’t up - we already know.

  2. Leagues – Monday Super 5s (Experienced), Tuesday/Thursday Super 5s (beginners) and La Liga Sunday 5/7s (Experienced + Beginners) are all planning to finish their leagues before the new season starts. (looking like last half of August). These matches will be open to ALL members of the 2020 H2 membership block and we will provide details of sign up times when we know the fixture dates.

  3. Friendlies – There may be opportunities to play a number of friendlies before the leagues start in September/October - Again these will be open to everyone with h2 membership and we will let you know in advance the sign up date for the posts for these.

TRAINING POST REMINDERS (please only sign up to 1 Wednesday training session)


If you have anything you would like to feature in next week's newsletter, email by 12:00 Sunday.

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